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2018 Health Center Recertification is Now Open

The Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) has officially announced the recertification period for Consolidated Health Centers and Look-Alikes. Recertification began on February 7th and will run through March 7th, 2018. Annual recertification is a requirement for participation in the 340B program; covered entities that do not recertify by March 7th will be removed from the program.

Prior to recertifying, entity officials will need to set up a user account in the new 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (340B OPAIS) by going to the 340B OPAIS website. Failure to set up user accounts will result in not being able to view accounts or conduct recertification, thus removal of the 340B Program. If you have previously set up your user account, please note the current requirement for passwords to be updated every 90 days, as this process could impact your ability to successfully log in.

As of February 7th, the Primary Contact and Authorizing Official will receive daily email reminders to complete the recertification process. Please note, as of this year Primary Contacts may complete recertification, however, the Authorizing Official will still be required to complete the attestation.

For questions regarding recertification, entities can e-mail