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HRSA Extends OPA Registration Period for Health Centers

As of the January 2017 Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) registration period, HRSA is now offering an extended registration window for Federally Qualified Health Centers and Health Center Look-alikes.

The reason for increasing the OPA registration time frame is to accommodate the lag occasionally experienced when a new site is registered on the HRSA Electronic Handbook (EHB). Often, it can take multiple weeks for a newly registered site to appear on the OPA database for registration, which can interfere with child site registration within the previously designated OPA registration window.

The January 2017 OPA registration period, which began on January 1st and ran through the 17th for all other entity types, was extended to March 10th, 2017 for health centers. Health centers can register sites that are “active” on their EHB up to this date. HRSA has confirmed that this methodology will continue in future registration periods.

If a health center is unable to register a site within the extended time frame, the entity should work with Apexus to determine if registration will be possible prior to the start of the next registration period.

The next OPA registration period begins on April 1, 2017. Need help with OPA registration? Contact Apexus at or 1-888-340-2787. We’re here to help, too – reach out via email ( or give us a call (855-835-340B).