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OPA Update: Upcoming Webinar on 340B FQHC Recertification Time

The Office of Pharmacy Affairs is presenting a webinar on January 7th, 2015 to review the upcoming 2015 FQHC Recertification.

  • When: January 7, 2015, 2:00-3:00PM eastern time
  • To Register:  link here
  • Conference Number: 888-989-9718
  • Participant Code: 3351663

At this time, please verify that your Authorizing Official’s e-mail address is up to date for all sites (Parent and Child) in the OPA database Recertification is directly contingent upon the Authorizing Official’s receipt of the Username and Password from HRSA in February to begin the process. Failure to complete Recertification in the given time frame will result in removal from the program.

  • 340B Recertification and change request forms must be submitted by an “Authorizing Official,” which the OPA defines as “someone who can bind the organization to a contract, such as the CEO, CFO, COO, Executive Director, President or Vice President of the entity.”
  • The Electronic Change Request form can be found HERE   (before Recertification begins)
  • Questions directly regarding Recertification should be directed to this e-mail address:

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns as they relate to this upcoming process.